9) Bashevkin SM, Christy JH, Morgan SG. (in review). Costs and compensation in zooplankton
8) Bashevkin SM, Dillon T, Hardy M, Chang ES, Morgan SG. (in review) The effects of
experimentally reduced pigmentation on susceptibility to UVR and visual predators in zooplankton.
7) Bashevkin SM, Christy JH, Morgan SG. (in review). The paradox of pigmentation in the
plankton: What is the advantage of coloration in a transparent community?
6) Bashevkin SM, Dibble CD, Dunn RP, Hollarsmith JA, Ng G, Satterthwaite EV, Morgan SG.
(in review). Larval dispersal in a changing ocean.
5) Bashevkin SM, Morgan SG. (In press). Predation risk in Anger K, Harzsch S, Thiel M,
editors. The Natural History of the Crustacea, Volume VII: Developmental Biology and Larval Ecology, Oxford University Press.
4) Bashevkin SM, Chaparro OR, Mardones-Toledo DA, Cubillos VM, Pechenik JA. (2017).
Growing safe: Acute size escape from desiccation in juvenile Crepipatella peruviana (Mollusca:
Gastropoda). Biol. Bull. 233:2 123-134
3) Bashevkin SM, Lee D, Driver P, Carrington E, George S. (2016). Prior exposure to low
salinity affects the vertical distribution of Pisaster ochraceus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) larvae in
haloclines Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 542, 123-140
2) Bashevkin SM, Pechenik JA. (2015). The interactive influence of temperature and salinity
on larval and juvenile growth in the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata (L). J. Exp.
Mar. Biol. Ecol. 470, 78-91.
1) Diederich CM, Bashevkin SM, Chaparro OR, Pechenik JA. (2015). Desiccation tolerance and
lifting behavior of adult and juvenile Crepidula fornicata (Gastropoda) from intertidal and subtidal
populations. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 528, 235-243.


9) Bashevkin SM, Armbrust AS, Howard G, Gao X, Morgan SG. (2018). How to eat your cake
and have it too: Compensatory behavioral responses to ultraviolet radiation and fish cues in crab larvae. Talk – Western Society of Naturalists, Tacoma, WA.
8) Bashevkin SM. (2017) Orphaned babies in a perilous ocean: How do marine larvae survive a
dangerous migration? Invited talk – Science Uncorked outreach seminar, Gourmet au Bay, Bodega Bay, CA
7) Bashevkin SM, Christy JH, Morgan SG. (2017). Predatory costs, behavioral compensation,
and evolutionary correlation in larval pigmentation. Talk – Western Society of Naturalists, Pasadena, CA
6) Bashevkin SM, Christy JH, Morgan SG. (2017). Paradox of pigmentation in the plankton:
Trade-offs in larval coloration vary with sunniness and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Talk –
International Larval Biology Symposium, Honolulu, HI
5) Bashevkin SM, Christy JH, Morgan SG. (2016). Pigmentation in the plankton: Trade-offs in
coloration for marine larvae. Talk – Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, CA.
4) Bashevkin SM, Pechenik JA. (2015). Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on
larval and juvenile growth in the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Poster – SICB
Annual Meeting, West Palm Beach, FL.
3) Bashevkin S, Wessel G, George SB. (2014). The effects of fluctuating salinity on protein
profiles in echinoderm larvae of Dendraster excentricus and Pisaster ochraceus. Poster –
SICB Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
2) Bashevkin S, George SB. (2013). The ups and downs of life in a halocline: The behavior of
Pisaster ochraceus larvae after prior exposure to low salinity. Poster – SICB Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
1) Bashevkin S, Driver P, George SB. (2013). Is the upward migration of Pisaster ochraceus
larvae motivated by the presence of food at the halocline or the salinity they are acclimated to? Poster –
SICB Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.